Thursday, January 9, 2014

Welcome to Madrid

So I have now been in Madrid for about 36 hours and it has already stole my  heart.

I arrived early Wednesday morning after a pretty easy flight, only to be unable to find my way out of the baggage claim. Eventually I made it out of the airport and to my host family. If I had to sum up the people who have allowed me to live with them for the next four months it would be simply perfection. Cristina and Antonio are a young couple who are both math teachers, they have an adorable six year old son named Alfonso. Between my basic broken Spanish and their English we communicate quite well. Cristina loves to cook and she is very very good at it. Alfonso loves to play games so before dinner we sat in the living room and played a few, he wasn't too happy I won

After attending orientation this morning, which was pretty useless, we traveled a bit around Old Madrid to see an Egyptian temple with great views of the city and then made our way into Puerta de Sol and la Plaza Mayor which is the city center. Cute shops and restaurants line the streets and there are street performers throughout. We explored the area around my host family as well, which isn't too far from campus. There are tons of bakeries lining the street on my walk to school and it is quite hard to resist, one day I will have to give in.

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