Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Little Place Called Salamanca

Yesterday I spent the day in a small town north of Madrid called Salamanca. It is a beautiful historic town built upon a hill, and is filled with history and sights. To enter Salamanca we had to cross an old Roman bridge that was absolutely stunning. Once we arrived, we started off the day in Gossip Girl fashion eating chocolate filled croissants and drinking cafe con leche on the church steps. We then toured the new and old cathedral of Salamanca which are massive and so elaborately decorated throughout the ages that each little alcove has it's own sort of identity.  We also visited the House of Shells, the Jesuit Church, and Dominican Church. We also spent some time at the University of Salamanca which is by far one of the prettiest universities I have ever seen, it also happens to be the university which my host parents met at and attended. In the decoration of the main building their is a fog hidden on one of the corners, if you find it it is supposed to bring good luck or something, I managed to spot it so we shall see. We grabbed lunch at a local place right off of Plaza Mayor, which was super similar to the Plaza Mayor in Madrid that I know and love. It was a beautiful little town, and definitely worth the visit.

Roman Bridge and View of City

Catedral de Salamanca

University of Salamanca

Dominican Church

House of Shells

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